Meet Mighty
…your new yoga studio home
Ithaca, NY, Hanover, NH, and online!

Mighty was founded in 2009 to get more people in our communities onto their mat and into a yoga practice. After 14 years, 40,000 classes, and over half a million visits, we are thrilled to say that we have accomplished that goal.
Our Story
At Mighty, we want to live in a brighter world with kind, conscious people led by joy. Our steps to move toward this vision are to get 10,000 people to a regular yoga practice by 2026. How are these connected, you ask? Read on!
The magical thing about this practice is that it gives you what you need on any given day. Sometimes that’s a physical challenge, sometimes that’s just getting into the flow, or sometimes it’s learning to take rest when you need it. Sometimes it’s a mental break when life is coming at you at a million miles an hour. We’ve all been there, and we keep coming back to our mat, to this practice - because our lives are not nearly as full without it.
Imagine if you could be more present with family and friends, be more focused at work or school, sleep better, be in less pain, be stronger - the list of possibilities is endless.
Ultimately, our practice helps to wake us up, to be more aware of what serves us, and what we need to let go of.
When we let go of what’s no longer serving us, we have more time and energy to put toward the people and activities that light us up. This is where your Mighty practice can lead you. Come and see.

New Student Special
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