Megan Chapman

I took my first yoga class almost 20 years ago. I had just left my collegiate rowing team due to injury and for the first time in my life, was facing the unknown of not being an athlete.  I was feeling a bit lost and low and yoga helped to lift me up. Just after college, I found myself in another yoga class with a teacher who’s encouragement and patience helped me to gain back confidence in my body and I once again felt strong and capable.

Although my personal practice has ebbed and flowed over the years, I have always known that my life is better with yoga. It’s always been there, waiting for me, when I’m ready. I practice yoga to connect to my body, to remember to breathe, and to quiet my active mind. My practice has changed quite a bit over the last two decades because I have changed. My younger self was eager to “do it right and achieve,”  my yoga practice mimicking how I led my life. As I age and settle into acceptance of who I am and what I have to offer, I listen more to what my body and my mind need, whether that’s to find ease and space or strength and challenge, so something in between.

When not teaching yoga, you’ll find me replanting my roots in the town where I grew up, where my family has lived for over 260 years. Usually in the garden growing food, or in the kitchen preserving it, attempting to live close to the land. As a yoga teacher, it’s my goal to offer a supportive, safe, and practical environment for all bodies and minds. I hope to meet you where you are at this moment and to support you to see your potential, whatever that may be, on and off the mat.


Liz Klohmann


Nancy Webster