Stephanie Mulinos

I tried yoga out of curiosity and was drawn to the physical aspect of the practice. This was the beginning of developing a relationship with my physical and energetic body - a journey that has and continues to unfold. 

I have not always had a healthy or harmonious relationship with my body. Yoga keeps me connected to myself physically and energetically in ways that support me in being more present in all areas of my life. My practice provides a balance to the high energy athletics I do. It also provides a lot of useful information that tells me what parts of my body may need attention.

 My practice has transformed from a physical practice/form of exercise to one of healing movement. It is also much more a part of the fabric of who I am rather than something that I do. I never really decided to teach yoga (it decided to teach me). As part of a major life transition teaching arose as a possibility and was aligned with where I wanted my life to go. I love each and every opportunity to share practice with others and supporting people in their own yoga journeys.

Off the mat I participate in triathlon and half marathons. I love to hike with my dogs, putter around my yard, and visit my children on the west coast.


Rachel Chalmers


Shoshana Belisle