It’s back!! Free Your Hips w/ Wendy Epps!
Why does half pigeon pose bring up so much sensation in both the body and the mind? The hips are often a storage place for emotional stress, which manifests itself as muscular tightness.
Lengthening into the muscles of the hips helps to release both physical as well as mental tension, so it can be an intense experience. Releasing the hips is about so much more than simply holding hip-opening poses; the core, the muscles of the upper legs, and the muscles of the low back are all intimately connected to the hips and their function.
Come explore the hips in all of their glory, with a workshop dedicated to opening up the biggest joints in the body. We will utilize a myriad of techniques to dig deep into the hips, including self massage as well as both active and yin yoga poses. Be prepared to leave the workshop with a newfound sense of freedom in both the body and the mind.
Your investment
$35 regular, or $30 for Studio+ members!