Nathalia Whitecar

hated high school gym but needed to fill the physical education credits. I looked for an easy way out and saw my school offered a hatha yoga class, so I signed up— anything to keep me from running laps and doing pushups! I was a dancer and gymnast as a child, so how bad could it be? I enjoyed it more than I could have ever anticipated, and even began to see the benefits, getting instant relief for my dancer’s hip flare ups. With enough yoga I was lucky enough to forgo my prescribed physical therapy! I signed up for another hatha class when I got into college as a way to break up my busy class schedule, and because of an assignment to visit an outside yoga studio, I finally began a dedicated practice. I had tried an ashtanga class at my local climbing gym after a bouldering session and 15+ years later, here I am, still practicing. I practiced upwards of five times a week at that climbing gym, practiced from home, and even joined community classes from yoga at the library, rooftop yoga, and my all time favorite: “boozy yoga” with mimosas on Sundays.

As time went on and life started throwing more challenges at me, I began to recognize the importance yoga has been to my physical and mental health. It was no longer just a form of self care and exercise, but something that brought me life and grounded me in the hardest moments. I turn to it in my busiest and most stressful times as a way to clear the slate and take the time to intentionally breathe. When my calendar is booked solid, I will always find time for yoga so that I can keep trekking on. After moving across the country and to the Upper Valley, yoga had become a way to join a community. I found my support network, and I have Mighty Yoga to thank for that! It has been an absolute pleasure practicing here and Mighty has made me feel more empowered in my general day to day.

When I’m not on the mat, you can find me at any museum, coffee shop, or bookstore. I love reading and hiking with my dog, and if time and budget allows, getting another tattoo or going on a road trip. If you know of a cute new spot in town or an exhilarating adventure (D&D campaigns included), I’ll be there, as long as I’m in bed by 9 PM. 


Nancy Webster


Rachel Chalmers